When I was a farm kid, my mother used to laugh at me for going on walks and dragging home "weeds." But I continued to love wildflowers anyhow.
Many years later, I became an avid cyclist to improve my health and reduce my blood pressure. To help keep my determination up, I decided to add a trails page to my personal website. I started taking my digital camera (it was long enough ago that you couldn't just assume all cameras were digital!) with me to take photos to add to the site. While I had the camera out, I started taking pictures of wildflowers along the trails, and soon I was discovering dozens of new flowers every week. From there, I started to identify what I'd found.

It wasn't long before I needed a database to catalogue the information. I started this website in 2003, and it has grown continually since then. It began with a focus on biking trails of western Pennsylvania, but has grown to include all types of trails, and an ill-defined region of the Ohio Valley and northeastern United States. We now have over 2,000 photos of over 450 species.
No, I'm not a professional botanist, nor do I pretend to be one. This is a hobby, albeit an enthusiatic one. I put a lot of time into trying to make sure my identifications are right, but I'm surely not infallable. If you think I've gotten one wrong, drop me an email.