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Sandy Creek Trail >
Sweet White Violet (Viola blanda)
Image ID: 2013/sc68

Violaceae (Violet)
Height: 0.25 to 0.5 ft.
Blooms: April to
Leaf Type:
Bloom Size: 0.5 in. (typical)
Flower Description:
Individual flowers,
Regular blooms, 5 parts
Location: Sandy Creek Trail
Date: 5/18/2013
Flowers & leaves are on separate stalks.
More photos of this flower
Sweet White Violet may be
easily confused with:
- Canada Violet
The Canada violet is a very pure white, even blueish, while the sweet white violet is a pale ivory. Flowers and leaves share the same stems on the Canada violet, but are separate on teh sweet white violet.
- Kidney-Leaved Violet
The leaf of the kidney-leaved violet are distinctively round, and the petals are not bearded.
- Lance-Leaved Violet
Lance-leaved violet has a long narrow leaf, while most other violets have round or heart-shaped leaves.
- Northern White Violet
Upper petals on the sweet white tend to be twisted, and the leaf is more deeply lobed at the stem. Northern white grows in rich woods, while the sweet white likes wet areas.
- Striped Violet
The lower petal of the striped violet have neat purple stripes, while the sweet white violet displays a branching purple pattern.
We started out as wildflowers from the bicycle trails of western Pennsylvania, but we've
Meyer, Joseph E. (1918). The Herbalist and Herb Doctor. Hammond, Ind.: Indiana Herb Gardens. 400 pp.