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Allegheny River Trail >
Common Blue Violet (Viola papilionacea)
Image ID: 2020/ahgh181
Tap/mouseover and drag to zoom/pan.Native
Violaceae (Violet)
Height: 0.25 to 0.75 ft.
Blooms: March to
Leaf Type:
Bloom Size: 0.75 in. (typical)
Flower Description:
Individual flowers,
Regular blooms, 5 parts
Location: Allegheny River Trail
Date: 5/27/2020
unusual color variant
More photos of this flower
Common Blue Violet may be
easily confused with:
- Blue-Eyed Mary
Violets have 5 petals, while blue-eyed Mary has 4.
- Long-Spurred Violet
The spur on the flower of the long-spurred violet is very conspicuous.
- Marsh Blue Violet
The Marsh Blue has is darker colored in the center of the flower, while Common Blue is uniform in color or slightly lighter in the center. Obviously, Marsh Blue grows in very wet areas, where the Common Blue doesn't.
We started out as wildflowers from the bicycle trails of western Pennsylvania, but we've
Meyer, Joseph E. (1918). The Herbalist and Herb Doctor. Hammond, Ind.: Indiana Herb Gardens. 400 pp.