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Browse > Green wildflowers
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Solomon's Seal
Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum biflorum)

Family: Liliaceae (Lily)
Location: Greenbrier River Trail

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Vervain Mallow
Vervain Mallow (Malva alcea)
Other Names: European Mallow; Hollyhock Mallow

Family: Malvaceae (Mallow)
Location: Montour Trail

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Heartleaf Four O'Clock
Heartleaf Four O'Clock (Mirabilis nyctaginea)
Other Names: Heartleaf Umbrella Wort; Wild Four O'Clock

Family: Nyctaginaceae (Four O'Clock)
Location: Panhandle Trail

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Pokeweed (Phytolacca)

Family: Phytolaccaceae (Pokeweed)
Location: Kane Woods

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English Plantain
English Plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
Other Names: Narrowleaf Plaintain

Family: Plantaginaceae (Plantain)
Location: Ghost Town Trail

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Bitter Dock
Bitter Dock (Rumex obtusifolius)
Other Names: Broad Dock

Family: Polygonaceae (Buckwheat)

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We started out as wildflowers from the bicycle trails of western Pennsylvania, but we've grown!