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Barren Strawberry
Barren Strawberry (Waldstenia fragarioides)

Family: Rosacae (Rose)
Location: Allegheny Highlands Trail

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Eastern Purple Coneflower
Eastern Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)

Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower)
Location: Allegheny Highlands Trail

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Cardinal Flower
Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis)

Family: Campanulaceae (Bluebell)
Location: Allegheny Highlands Trail

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Spanish Bluebells
Spanish Bluebells (Hyacinthoides hispanica)

Family: Liliaceae (Lily) · Invasive
Location: Allegheny Highlands Trail

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Cattail (Typha)

Family: Typhaceae (Cattail)
Location: Allegheny River Trail

Early Goldenrod
Early Goldenrod (Solidago juncea)
Other Names: Plume goldenrod

Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower)
Location: Allegheny River Trail

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We started out as wildflowers from the bicycle trails of western Pennsylvania, but we've grown!