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Wild Blue Flax
Wild Blue Flax (Linum lewisii)

Family: Linaceae (Flax)
Location: Youghiogheny River Trail

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Small Wood Sunflower
Small Wood Sunflower (Helianthus microcephalus)

Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower)
Location: Youghiogheny River Trail

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Blue-Eyed Mary
Blue-Eyed Mary (Collinsia verna)

Family: Scrophulariaceae (Figwort)
Location: Youghiogheny River Trail

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Butterfly Weed
Butterfly Weed (Aslepias tuberosa)
Other Names: Orange Milkweed; Pleurisy Root

Family: Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed)
Location: Youghiogheny River Trail

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Yaupon (Ilex vomitoria) - fruit/seed

Family: Aquifoliaceae (Holly)
Location: Youghiogheny River Trail

Lance-Leaf Coreopsis
Lance-Leaf Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata)
Other Names: Tickseed

Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower)
Location: Youghiogheny River Trail

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We started out as wildflowers from the bicycle trails of western Pennsylvania, but we've grown!