Tall Coreopsis (Coreopsis tripteris)
Image ID: 2014/gtwn94

- Black-Eyed Susan
Black-eyed Susan is normally less than three feet tall, while tall coreposis can be as much as eight feet tall. Leaves and stem of black-eyed Susan are hairy; those of tall coreopsis are smooth.
- Large-Flowered Leafcup
Leafcup leaves resemble maple leaves; coreopsis leaves are divided.
- Pale-Leaved Sunflower
Tall coreopsis has a three-part divided leaf; sunflower leaf is entire.
- Prairie Coneflower
Central disc of the coreopsis is flat and very dark in color.
- Sneezeweed
Sneezeweed has a relatively unusually shaped petal, roughly triangular with a scalloped outer edge. Tall coreopsis has a brown eye; sneezeweed has a yellow center.
- Tall Coneflower
Eye of tall coreopsis is brown; eye of tall coneflower is yellow to green. Coreposis leaf is divided; coneflower leaf is lobed.
- Thin-Leafed Coneflower
Tall coreopsis is generally much taller than the coneflower. The coreopsis has a three-part divided leaf, while the coneflower has a simple toothed leaf.
- Thin-Leaved Sunflower
Tall coreopsis has a three-part divided leaf; sunflower leaf is entire.
- Whorled Rosinweed
Rosinweed leaves occur in whorls of three; coreopsis leaves are divided and occur in pairs.
- Woodland Sunflower
Tall coreopsis has a three-part divided leaf; sunflower leaf is entire.